This month, I had the honor of representing Tourism Richmond at the Destination Stewardship and Sustainability Panel during the Vancouver, Coast & Mountains (VCM) Tourism Region Community Forum in Chilliwack. The panel, moderated by GreenStep Solutions provided a platform for a candid discussion on our sustainability journey, allowing me, and Tourism Richmond as a DMO to reflect on the work we’ve done so far, and the possibilities for growth in the future.
I was joined by fellow panelists from Tourism Harrison River Valley and Vancouver’s North Shore Tourism Association to talk about our journeys. It’s always inspiring to hear how others are navigating the sustainability landscape and making impactful changes.
One of the highlights of the conversation was the opportunity to share about the Tourism Richmond Regenerative Grant Program. This initiative is a testament to our commitment to regeneration and sustainability, and I strongly encourage TR Stakeholders to explore it further. For more details on the program and how it can benefit you, please visit:
I was also given the opportunity to reflect and discuss our process and how we work to ensure community is always considered when promoting sustainability. With this in mind, we formed an Advisory Committee with local representatives, including the city, chamber of commerce, YVR Airport, and hoteliers. Their community-driven insights have been invaluable, particularly for our Regenerative Program, helping us to prioritize and energize our initiatives.
As we continue our Regenerative Journey, it’s forums like these that remind us of the collective effort required to make a difference. Acknowledge that we have come a long way, and have much more to go. A regenerative community is a mindset, not a checklist. It’s not just about individual achievements but about coming together, sharing knowledge, and pushing boundaries for a more sustainable future.
Thank you for Vancouver Coast & Mountains Tourism for inviting us to speak on this panel, and a thank you to our stakeholders and community for eagerly participating in our journey.
Hannah Arthurs
Specialist, Marketing